Blogger HTML Meta Description and Keywords Tags

Meta Keywords and Description Tags are really important in SEO, especialy when we want our blog / site to be listed within the search engines like google.

In this post you will learn which Meta Tags you will need and also where exactly to place them! Don't worry... it's not as difficult as you may think :)

By default Blogger Page Title is defined by:


1. To make a big story to a short story... simply copy the Meta Tags code from the table below and optimise&change the title/keywors/description into your words.

<title><$BlogPageTitle$>Page Title of your Blogger</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Keywords only, ok" />
<meta name="description" content="Short dicription about your blog" />

2. Find <title><$BlogPageTitle$></title> and delete it

4. Paste the new Blogger Meta Tags as seen on the picture below:

5. Finally save the template and you are done !

Also you can check out the post "Blogger XML Meta Description and Keywords" in case you are working on the Blogger XML Template. Have fun.

Blogger Permalink for a better SEO

Blogger Hack for better permalink SEO

The previous post was about a mod Blogger Meta Description - Keyword Tags, which would allow the search eangine to craw through your blog into more sections: Index, Posts, Archives. In this post you will get another simple blogger hack for better SEO !

Search engines like Google love keywords in Title and the URL, but in blogger the file name or the permalink of the post is based on the post Title you give/write. For example if the title is "Blogger Meta Description and Keywords Tags" then the link by default becomes to: - by removing any special characters.

You may think "well I am gonna write many keywords to the Title" but bear in mind that the title length is optimized/restricted to a curtain length - as well as - the Title would look too silly and too boring for the eye catching effect!

Here is a simple solution:

1) Give the post the title with the Keywords coming in first, so if you are writing a post on Blogger Hacks and Templates then make sure to include them in the first 5 words.

2) Publish the post then click edit post.

3) Now change the title to something a little more catchy and publish the post again !


Yep, that's all and you are done!

Avoiding the 5 Most Common SEO Mistakes

Since X, Y, and Z are so common, and the solutions to the problems are often the same, I decided to summarize the most common SEO mistakes, and their solutions, in this article. These SEO mistakes are:
  1. using a non-standard title element
  2. failing to optimize image markup
  3. using spider-illegible JavaScript where legible code would do
  4. failing to indicate the content hierarchy using header elements
  5. poor grammar and spelling

Let's look at each of these problems in turn.

Using a Non-standard Title Element

First, let's define what we mean by a standard title element. Once that concept is clear, serious deviations from the standard will be obvious, and you'll find it easy to correct errors.

A standard title element should:

- include one or two of a web site's keywords
- include a reference to the page's fundamental content within the first three to five words (It's okay to include variations on one of the web site's keywords.)

The logic behind this definition is that spiders only really consider approximately the first 60 characters of a title element. Additionally, they're adept at identifying cases of keyword stuffing, which we'll look at later, and which should be avoided.

... [ Read More ]

Blogger XML Meta Description and Keywords Tags

Almost everyone knows how importance the Meta Keywords and Description Tags are in SEO, especialy when we want our blog to be catched from the search engines! There are a lot of Blogger Widgets out there but there is no widget for Meta Tags, is there!?

I did some reasearch about it and came up with some easy mods to optimize the Meta tags for Keywords, Description, Title and even customize for the Index page, post page and archive - nice huh!? Well let's get into it!

By default Blogger gives only the title which is:


That piece of code gives the output as the Title of your blog but it is not really enough to have a good 'catch' from the search engines! The mod is made out of 3 sectors: Index (main page), Item page (the individual post page) and Archives.

1. Copy the SEO Blogger Meta Tag Code from below and customize the words according to your Blog criterias before you paste it to the XML Blogger Template:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'><title><data:blog.title/> : Write some stuff about your blog here not too much since only 60 char robot can read</title>

<meta name='Description' content='Describe your blog here since this is what will be shown if your index page comes in a search' />

<meta name='Keywords' content='Key, Words, Here, Dont, go crazy, only, add, relavent, keyword' /><b:else/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>

<title><data:blog.title/> : Write some stuff about your blog here not too much since only 60 char is all robot read</title><meta name='Description' content='Describe your blog here since this is what will be shown if your index page comes in a search' />

<meta name='Keywords' content='Add, some, more, key, word, here, but, keep, it, sane ' /><b:else/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>

<meta name='Keywords' expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' />

2. Log into your Blogger Account -> Template -> Edit HTML

3. Find <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> and delete it

4. Paste the new Blogger Meta Tags as seen on the picture below:

5. Finally save the template and you are done !

Also you can check out this post to Avoid making SEO Mistakes and let me know if this made any difference in your result ranking - thanks

Blogger Help Facility

Are you a new Blogger User and you got really not much idea how things work?! No worrieeeeees dude that's why you are here :) so have a look around and you will find a lot of useful information/Wigets/TipsTricks/Tutorials etc.

By the way has got its own Help Support Facility where you can get some information about a lot of things!

Just got to this site

Good Luck

PS: If you got any questions, drop a comment!

Two Design Tactics To Improve Your Blog Income

Adsense is one of the most popular ways to monetize your blog. Two of the most popular Adsense advertising tactics that became widespread last year were:

1. Putting Adsense Ads beside images
2. Blending the design

You earn money on Adsense through clicks. Whenever a visitor clicks on the ad, revenue from advertisers is credited to your account. Putting thumbnail images beside ads increased the overall number of clicks. This works because people often associate the images with the ad and clicked on it.

The latest Adsense blog on images beside ads clarified this rule. You can no longer put images beside Ads.

Another known tactic was to blend the ads with the overall design. Google also frowns down upon this now. One blogger attempted to blend Adsense Ads to the overall design of a Wordpress blog. This is how it looked like:

Upon checking with Adsense support, however, it was found out that this design was unacceptable. From Adsense Support:

As you may know, publishers may not implement Google ads in a manner that disguises the ads in any way, for instance, by formatting neighboring content to look similar to the ads, or by making ads look like games or forum posts. Additionally, publishers may not attempt to associate specific images with the individual ads appearing on their sites. Such an implementation may confuse users who assume that the image is directly related to the advertiser’s offerings.

Please create greater distinction between the content of your site and the Google ads.

Knowing these two tactics are no longer entirely applicable, what’s the workaround? One way is to use Google’s own image ads beside beside text ads. For instance, you can use Google’s Firefox Ad beside Google text ads as follows:

You can also create more distinction between your ads and not blend it too much but still make it prominent on your blog. You must put your ads above the fold - it should be seen by readers once they visit your site. The recommended technique would be to place the Ad in between your text units as follows:

There is border around the Google Ad to distinguish it from the rest of the sidebar but the eyes are still drawn to it because it is strategically placed between blog post summaries. These techniques are tried and tested.

Try it out yourself and see how it improves your Adsense Clickthrough rate. Enjoy!

Insert GoogleAdSense into Blogger HTML Template

How to insert Google AdSense into Blogger HTML Template

There so many people that make money & cash out of Blogging and there are a lot of people out there who DO NOT know how to do that! Well I bet you must be one of those who would love to make some extra money with your blog website but you dont know how to insert Google Ads within your blog post because you don't know much about HTML.

No worries, just follow these simple steps to insert the AdSense code into your template:

1. First of all, you need an Google AdSense Account. If you don`t have one already, click here to Apply for GoogleAdsense and after your googleads account has been approved, go into the cpanel and generate the Google Ads code.

2. Sign-in to Blogger, and go to the HTML Edit page

3. Search for the Blogger tag <$BlogItemBody$> . Before this tag, insert the following HTML code: <div style="”float: left”">ADSENSE CODE</div>

Your code should look like this:

<div style=”float:left”>ADSENSE CODE</div><$BlogItemBody$>

4. Replace “ADSENSE CODE” with your GoogleAdsense Code (generated earlier in your Adsense account) and do not forget to click on the “Save Template Changes” button.

Eveything is done, now, go to your blog and check the results.
It should look like the imagine below:

Come back in the next days and read the other tutorials about Adsense.

How to install a Blogger XML Template

This is pritty easy! Make a BackUp of your current XML Template so in case anything goes wrong, you always can restore it back at any time.

So now, that's how it works - How to install a Blogger XML Template :

1. Download a Blogger XML Template you like

2. Save the XML file on you Desktop

3. Go to Template - Edit HTML

4. Browse to the saved XML file and upload it

5. Click Save Template

6. You Are Done!

How to install a Blogger HTML Template

This is pritty easy, to be honest with you but before you start to do any changes, it is very wise to make a BackUp of your current Template. That is in case anything goes wrong and you always can restore it back.

So now, that's how it works - How to install a Blogger HTML Template :

1. Download a Blogger HTML Template you like

2. Copy the Source / HTML Code

3. Go to Template - Edit HTML

4. Click on Revert to Classic Template

5. Paste the code into the Template area

6. Click Save Template Changes

You are all done now :) that was not that difficult, was it?!

Blogger XML Templates (New)

Blogger XML Templates is the latest updated Blogger version, which is much much better as the HTML version simply because it offers you a wide range of options - Widgets & Add ons & Page Elements etc - it is really cool.

To be honest, trying to make changes on the XML Template may be seen as too chaos and too complicated as a new User (without much of experience) but within a short time even you will get year head around.

Here is a small Introduction:

What is XML !?

XML (acronym: Extensible Markup Language)is a markup language for documents containing structured information - both content (words, pictures, etc.) and some indication of what role that content plays (for example, content in a section heading has a different meaning from content in a footnote, which means something different than content in a figure caption or content in a database table, etc.). Almost all documents have some structure.

A markup language is a mechanism to identify structures in a document. The XML specification defines a standard way to add markup to documents.

So XML is Just Like HTML !?

NO! In HTML, both the tag semantics and the tag set are fixed. An <h1> is always a first level heading and the tag is meaningless. The W3C, in conjunction with browser vendors and the WWW community, is constantly working to extend the definition of HTML to allow new tags to keep pace with changing technology and to bring variations in presentation (stylesheets) to the Web. However, these changes are always rigidly confined by what the browser vendors have implemented and by the fact that backward compatibility is paramount. And for people who want to disseminate information widely, features supported by only the latest releases of Netscape and Internet Explorer are not useful.

XML specifies neither semantics nor a tag set. In fact XML is really a meta-language for describing markup languages. In other words, XML provides a facility to define tags and the structural relationships between them. Since there's no predefined tag set, there can't be any preconceived semantics. All of the semantics of an XML document will either be defined by the applications that process them or by stylesheets.

Why XML !?

In order to appreciate XML, it is important to understand why it was created. XML was created so that richly structured documents could be used over the web. The only viable alternatives, HTML and SGML, are not practical for this purpose.

HTML, as we've already discussed, comes bound with a set of semantics and does not provide arbitrary structure.

If you are intrested to know more, go to:

Blogger HTML Templates (Classic)

Blogger HTML Templates, is also known ans Blogger Classic Templates, is the first Blogger version - which then got updated to Blogger XML. The HTML Templaces are quite easy to modify (when having a bit of HTML & CSS knowledge) but no worries if you got no clue what I am talking about then keep reading!

First, let me give you a small clue about HTML and CSS ... ready?!

PS: Those who know this all - please skip this painfull readin lol

HTML, an initialism of Hypertext Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document — by denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on — and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects.

HTML is written in the form of labels (known as tags), surrounded by angle brackets and can also describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded scripting language code which can affect the behavior of web browsers and other HTML processors.

Once again: What is HTML !?

- HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
- An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
- The markup tags tell the Web browser how to display the page
- An HTML file must have an htm or html file extension
- An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor

What the F*** - Tags !?

Tags are labels you use to mark up the begining and end of an element. All tags have the same format: they begin with a less-than sign "<" and end with a greater-than sign ">".

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of tags - opening tags: <html> and closing tags: </html>. The only difference between an opening tag and a closing tag is the forward slash "/". HTML is all about elements and YOU label content by putting it between an opening tag and a closing tag.

To learn HTML is to learn and use different tags...

What is CSS !?

CSS (acronym: Cascading Style Sheets) is a style language that defines layout of HTML documents. For example, CSS covers fonts, colours, margins, lines, height, width, background images, advanced positions and many other things.

HTML can be (mis-)used to add layout to websites but CSS offers more options and is more accurate and sophisticated - PLUS - is supported by all browsers today :D

Which benefits will CSS give to You !?

CSS was a revolution in the WWW and the benefits include:

- control layout of many documents from one single style sheet;
- more precise control of layout;
- apply different layout to different media-types (screen, print, etc.);
- numerous advanced and sophisticated techniques.

Ohh no no no, hold on dude... this is not it!
There is a lot more to know & to learn, so if you want to get into it then go to: and learn something.

If you got any questions, drop a comment :)