Blogger HTML Meta Description and Keywords Tags

Meta Keywords and Description Tags are really important in SEO, especialy when we want our blog / site to be listed within the search engines like google.

In this post you will learn which Meta Tags you will need and also where exactly to place them! Don't worry... it's not as difficult as you may think :)

By default Blogger Page Title is defined by:


1. To make a big story to a short story... simply copy the Meta Tags code from the table below and optimise&change the title/keywors/description into your words.

<title><$BlogPageTitle$>Page Title of your Blogger</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Keywords only, ok" />
<meta name="description" content="Short dicription about your blog" />

2. Find <title><$BlogPageTitle$></title> and delete it

4. Paste the new Blogger Meta Tags as seen on the picture below:

5. Finally save the template and you are done !

Also you can check out the post "Blogger XML Meta Description and Keywords" in case you are working on the Blogger XML Template. Have fun.


Anonymous said...
Hey Dude

What are the best Keywords I should use?!
